Why do we blog? Or better, for whom?
One of the blogs I read regularly (see the link to A Simple Jew on the right), blogged today about having nothing to say. And decided that quality was better than quantity. Some people blog daily, even if their post is a "one-liner". Others blog only with news, or significant thoughts. I fall somewhere in between.
I thought I started blogging to see if I would talk less, but I discovered that it did not affect how much I talked. (Sorry PPC.) So why do we blog? For ourselves? For an audience? Do all our posts need to be cute? Provocative? Controversial? Some blogs are one or the other. Mine are all three and more. I blog because writing lets me make my thoughts concrete, and I blog for myself. However, blogging is still a public forum. Anyone can/could find and read my blog. I like having readers, and comments. If those who choose to read my blog also enjoy what I have written, then that is an added bonus.