Fasting as a method of focus
One of the reasons given for fasting on Yom Kippur is that it removes the concern and focus on food from the holiday, freeing you to focus on prayers for forgiveness. I find that fasting leaves me lightheaded, unfocused, and tired, conditions that make it extremely difficult to focus on asking G-d's forgiveness. Not to mention hours of standing on very hard floors, and prayers in a language that I struggle with when they have all my attention.
I find that I am satisfied if I get 75% concentration on Yom Kippur, but just once I would like to be able to say that I was able to focus 100% of the time. Ah well, I will just have to try again next year.
Only the holidays of Sukkoth and Shmini Atzereth remain. Next week is another 2 day week at work, the following week is a three day week. I come back and everyone asks how was my vacation. I hate to answer bad, but it isn't what I would choose to do if I were taking a vacation. They don't tend to leave me very rested. Next week my in-laws will be here as well. I love them, but it does add to the pressure. I keep telling myself, by October 10th this will be all over for another year. No major holidays until Passover at the end of April, late this year.