I live a cluttered life. The people in my office will readily attest to that, and my family has known it for some time. I have recently decided that it is time to unclutter. Unfortunately, it does appear that some members of my family talk the good talk, but have a hard time letting go.
One of the things I decided was that there was "stuff" in the house too good to put in the trash, but no longer important to us. There are two ways to get rid of that "stuff". You can give it away, or you can sell it on ebay. Giving it away is good for the charity, and may be good for your taxes, but seeing if things you no longer want will sell on ebay is a whole lot more fun. I have started selling off some of those things too good to trash on ebay. Just a little at a time, but it is fun.
Recently I put up an old computer game that had been hanging around the house. I was never going to play it again, that's for sure. It isn't even loaded on our home computer. I listed it at $12.50 yesterday, and it already has a bid on it. Five days from now it will be out of my life. I told my daughter, pleased that it was going to "disappear" and her response was "you should keep that, it's a classic."
Lots of things in my house are classics, but none of them are going to stay. Fair warning to my family. If it hasn't been used in 5 years, and if it belongs to me, then if I want to get rid of it, I am going to do so. I am not talking about sentimental things, but for heaven sake, this is a computer game! Going, going, gone....