Saturday, October 16, 2004

Loaded questions

I fumbled a loaded question this evening. My husband asked "Do you want to go out tonight?" and I answered "No." Apparently what he meant was "I would like to go out tonight." When I said No, he said "Then I guess we'll stay home again." So now I was the bad guy and the party pooper. Yuck. I am not taking the blame for this one, and I will not feel sorry.

The next time you want to go out on Saturday night, say the following to your S.O. "I feel like going out tonight, want to do something?" and you will inevitably get a very different response than the one my S.O. got tonight. We women aren't mind readers. and even after 26 years, we don't always read things right.

At the same time, women can be just as guily, so please don't consider this advice only for one sex or the other. Of course if your partner really doesn't feel like leaving the house, they may still say No, but at least you haven't left them not knowing what answer you would like to hear.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Good news and ..... Or the continuing saga of Caroline the cat

I got home relatively early tonight, and decided that I should really take the cat to the vet to make sure that her diet is working. As soon as I got out the leash the cat was off like a bolt of lightning, even though her supper was waiting in her dish. It took three of us to get her out from under the bed, tucked into her leash -- which she managed to wiggle out of the first time I tried to put it on -- a big hint that she has lost weight.

Now for the bad news -- at least from my end -- or maybe from hers. When I took her from my husband to take her out to the car she peed on me -- G-d cat urine stinks. So now I have a crying cat in my arms, her back claws are sticking out as far as they will go, and the front of my leg is wet and smelly. I figured nothing worse could happen -- the vet is really only seven minutes away -- so we went. Nothing worse did happen, fortunately, and we got in and out of the vets quickly, but now for the good news, I hope.

Caroline was 17lbs when we took her to the vet this summer. This evening she weighed 14.5, so she lost about 15% of her body weight. That means kitty Atkins is working. My husband's question is, is it working too well. Is she in fact losing weight too fast, and how much weight is enough. What is an ideal weight for my little cat. Could she, in fact, be malnourished? Hopefully the vet will call tomorrow with answers to all my questions!

Monday, October 11, 2004

Free at last

We are not "supposed" to celebrate the end of the fall holiday season. We are supposed to be sad to see it go. Our return to normal life is supposed to be a departure from the closeness to G-d, and we should not feel liberated. However, I am not shy to admit it! I feel like quoting from Martin Luther King this morning!

It will take me some time to get back into the swing of things, but nevertheless, I am glad to see the end. The Sukkah is down, the endless foil packages are disappearing from the fridge, and the world is slowly returning to normal......