Loaded questions
I fumbled a loaded question this evening. My husband asked "Do you want to go out tonight?" and I answered "No." Apparently what he meant was "I would like to go out tonight." When I said No, he said "Then I guess we'll stay home again." So now I was the bad guy and the party pooper. Yuck. I am not taking the blame for this one, and I will not feel sorry.
The next time you want to go out on Saturday night, say the following to your S.O. "I feel like going out tonight, want to do something?" and you will inevitably get a very different response than the one my S.O. got tonight. We women aren't mind readers. and even after 26 years, we don't always read things right.
At the same time, women can be just as guily, so please don't consider this advice only for one sex or the other. Of course if your partner really doesn't feel like leaving the house, they may still say No, but at least you haven't left them not knowing what answer you would like to hear.