Saturday, September 18, 2004

Too honest?

So it seems I am being too honest for my family on my blog. It seems a pity that I ever let them know where I was writing. An outlet to vent (a little) or to keep me from talking constantly at work, has now become one more battleground. Bummer. Have to think this one through.

As for the weekend? Worse than anticipated....

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Shana Tova U M'tukah

The traditional greeting for Rosh Hashanah is Shana Tova. Translated, that means "good year", short for Happy New Year. Rosh Hashanah literally means "the head of the year" or the new year. Another possible greeting is the title of this post, shana tova u m'tukah -- "have a good and sweet new year".

The complete greeting, probably poorly transliterated, is ktav v'chatimah shana tova u m'tukah. "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good and sweet new year. It is the traditional Jewish belief that on Rosh Hashanah G-d weighs us and determines our fate for the coming year. We then have ten days to pray for forgiveness for any evil decrees he may have made, culminating in the fast of Yom Kippur when our fates are sealed.

Without inflicting religion on anyone, may we all have a sweet, happy, prosperous new year.


Just a thought -- you don't suppose the government fiscal year was codified on October 1 to roughly coincide with the Jewish New Year? Neah......

Monday, September 13, 2004

Thoughts on homonyms

Thoughts on homonyms -- words that sound the same but mean something entirely different -- for PPC. And yes, I am anal retentive, and no, Alex D, don't read this it will just make you frustrated.


  1. Exercise of sovereign power, as by a monarch.
  2. The period during which a monarch rules.
  3. Dominance or widespread influence: the reign of reason.

  1. A long narrow leather strap attached to each end of the bit of a bridle and used by a rider or driver to control a horse or other animal. Often used in the plural.
  2. A means of restraint, check, or guidance.
  3. A means or an instrument by which power is exercised. Often used in the plural: the reins of government.
  1. Water condensed from atmospheric vapor and falling in drops.
    1. A fall of such water; a rainstorm.
    2. The descent of such water.
    3. Rainy weather.
    4. rains A rainy season.
  2. A heavy or abundant fall: a rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds; a rain of insults.

Without political opinions -- Bushisms

Lately, I have kept trying to remember the wording of two of my favorite recent Bushisms, but I am unable to quote him exactly. Obviously I am having serious senior moments here. I have therefore decided to put them here so I can always find them.

The first was said in a speech in Washington on terrorism and people who are trying to harm the United States:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

The second was from a speech that made reference to the evils of spiraling malpractice insurance:

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYN's aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."—Sept. 6, 2004, Poplar Bluff, Mo.

We all know what he wanted to say, and none of us would decry his sentiments, but his adlibs are frequently hilarious, and must make his speech writer cringe.


When my children were little and we asked them what they did at school, we would often got long stories about what they learned, who they played with, and what they did. As they got older, the information got shorter, and by the time my daughter was in High School, the answer we got to "what did you do today?" or "what did you learn today?" was "Stuff".

"Stuff" became a standing joke in the family. Stuff was what all my kids have done or learned in High School. Stuff carried over to college, and for four years when we would ask my daughter about a class and what she was learning, as often as not the answer would be "Stuff." My oldest son, now a junior at Maryland, tends to share much more information, but he too occasionally answers "stuff", and my youngest son answers "stuff" on a regular basis.

Somehow, once my daughter was out in the working world, I thought she would share what she was doing, but lo and behold, the other day when I asked her what she was doing at her new job the answer was ...


Too much to say

How do you figure out what to blog about when all sorts of fun things happened. This weekend seemed to be one of those weekends packed full of events. I was going to say "stuff" but that's another blog entirely.

A very dear friend stayed with us for Shabbat. She and her family were here about a month ago, but this time we really had a chance to talk about ourselves and where life has taken us over the last 30 years.

My daughter started the transition into her new apartment. I won't say move, because although she will be there some of the time, it won't really be full time until after the Jewish holidays.

I took my youngest son to the Redskins game on Sunday. It was absolutely wonderful, and to the person who gave me the tickets, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I had a great time, and better yet, my son called it one of the best Sundays ever!

My daughter took me (and my youngest though I am paying for his ticket) to the Tim McGraw concert in Baltimore last night. I enjoyed the concert. It was a good show. Must admit, I think I liked Kenny Chesney better, but it was still great, and I liked how he found a small girl to sing to in "Don't take the girl". She looked absolutely charmed.

I will/may throw in a detail or two later, but that's why the weekend was so jam packed....