When my children were little and we asked them what they did at school, we would often got long stories about what they learned, who they played with, and what they did. As they got older, the information got shorter, and by the time my daughter was in High School, the answer we got to "what did you do today?" or "what did you learn today?" was "Stuff".
"Stuff" became a standing joke in the family. Stuff was what all my kids have done or learned in High School. Stuff carried over to college, and for four years when we would ask my daughter about a class and what she was learning, as often as not the answer would be "Stuff." My oldest son, now a junior at Maryland, tends to share much more information, but he too occasionally answers "stuff", and my youngest son answers "stuff" on a regular basis.
Somehow, once my daughter was out in the working world, I thought she would share what she was doing, but lo and behold, the other day when I asked her what she was doing at her new job the answer was ...