Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Vacation ambivalence

I am supposed to go to an island off South Carolina for labor day weekend. I have been looking forward to it -- a lot. The closer I get to the weekend the less I want to go. First, I heard my sister-in-law won't be there. Does that make me the chief cook and bottle washer? The designated kitchen maid? I doubt it, but the fear is there.

Second, the whole purpose for going to the beach is to spend time in the sun and it looks like Hurricane Frances may destroy those plans. She is currently in the islands heading West, but is expected to turn slightly North over the next few days. Current projections have the eye coming ashore in Miami on Friday morning, with tropical rains reaching into at least half of South Carolina by that point. There goes the beach, the golf, and the sun.

I know the house is supposed to be spectacular, but this is an island, and a beach house. Do I really want to get an evacuation notice in the middle of the night? Or worse, fly into South Carolina and spend labor day weekend at the airport because I can't get out again? My family would definitely tell you I am a worrier, but do I have any reason to be feeling a little ambivalent? Does imagining the worst make me a pessimist? Am I a pessimist?


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You want to go because as much as you have been looking forward to being in South Carolina for labor day weekend your daughter has been looking forward to having the house all to herself for the weekend. For all you know the hurricane wont come anywhere near the coast and you'll have ruined your weekend and hers for nothing.


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