Monday, August 30, 2004

Airborne!! (And I don't mean the Army)

Well, it had to happen. We all knew that if they could have phones on planes, the internet wouldn't be far behind. Some airlines are beginning to add Wi-Fi access to flights. The last place safe from email and web surfing is about to vanish into the mists. For more on the changes, check out the article on MIT's Technology Review, Wi-Fi goes airborne.


At 1:11 PM, Blogger TasteBud B said...

Well it isn't all that bad. And for what it is worth, people probably won't use it because it will be more expensive than calling a 1-900 phone number.

My opinion, let them do it. Worse case scenario is that something could happen on a plane and we'd know more about it because the riders could be chatting with people and e-mailing friends about it. Isn't it the more services and information the better?


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