Ok, Ok, Passover is NOT Spring Cleaning
My last blog WAS tongue in cheek :-) Every year I try to see how much less I can get away with. I don't do spring cleaning before Passover. I do my best to sleep every night, and contrary to most people, I actually love it when the first night falls on Saturday night. Why, you ask? Let me count the ways.
- A decent night's sleep -- most years, the night before the first seder I am up until 1 or 2 am, sometimes cleaning, but usually cooking. This year, Friday night will give me a decent night's sleep.
- Three day Holiday -- Even though this is a three day holiday, and I usually dread them, the Sabbath lunch meal is fairly small, and simple cutting preparation to a minimum
- Nap -- the day before Passover I am usually on my feet from 7am until the seder starts. On Saturday, I get to take my only nap of the week. When the first seder starts Saturday night, I can't cook on the Sabbath, and I get a nap before the first seder. It's like being a kid again.
- Sleep -- if you begin to sense a theme, you are absolutely right. I get lots of sleep, all the other years I get almost none. I am a happier, calmer, more relaxed person when I get enough sleep and don't feel stressed. It's a wonderful life!
I actually like Passover once it starts. Life is simpler, the seders are fun, cooking is a challenge, which makes it interesting, and there are fewer outside distractions. The holiday has familiar rituals and music, significant memories and meanings, and to all my friends who will be celebrating, have a Hag Kasher v'Sameach. Have a Happy Passover.
I knew a girl growing up who was Jewish, and she and her mom invited us to a seder. It was very interesting, although my memory is pretty fuzzy...
Have a great weekend!
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